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Culture Fulfillment Case Study: Lotus Green Team

Uncategorized May 20, 2024

Based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Lotus Green Team is a contracting service provider in the construction industry. They offer cutting-edge solutions for mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical systems, and piping systems that comply with international standards in Cambodia.

In November 2023, Lotus Green Team embarked on a transformative journey to shift its work culture from individualistic to collaborative, focusing on its head office and the UV project. This initiative aimed to instill core values of humanity, kaizen, and reliability among its 65 employees, with plans to expand to 500-600 more employees.

When they began working with The Culture Fix®, they had core values. But they were not embodied. In conversation with Choun Moniroth, the Manager of Training and Development at Lotus Green Team, he shared how the values came alive using The Culture Fix® methodology.

Previously, before the introduction of the "Notice and Nominate" scheme, many employees seemed unaware of or indifferent to their core values. Although they acknowledged the values, they did not actively recognize them in their day-to-day interactions. However, after implementing the Culture Fulfillment program, there has been a notable shift. People now remember and embrace their core values, particularly humanity and reliability.

Now, if someone exemplifies their core values, others are encouraged to nominate them using their system. They highlight these nominations on a shared wall, inspiring and motivating the rest of the team to follow suit.

“People are proud of themselves.”
- Choun Moniroth, the Manager of Training and Development at Lotus Green Team

He noted how employees now feel happy and appreciated when someone Notices and Nominates them for living out their core values. This recognition boosts morale and fosters a sense of pride among team members. They are proud to be displayed on the Culture Fulfillment board that showcases their achievements.

Moreover, he has observed the values garnering impact, specifically the descriptive behavior, “We inspire each other to work as a team,” under the value of Humanity. This mentality is naturally transferring from his department to others. In other departments, employees support each other, even in developing technical skills, which he finds remarkable.

This case exemplifies how culture forms the bedrock of a company's operations. One common skepticism among business leaders is that they dismiss culture as a soft skill, considering it a nice-to-have rather than something pivotal for driving profit, skill development, and innovation. However, as demonstrated by Lotus Green, employees are proactively engaging in each other's development. This approach leads to increased engagement and fosters innovation. “Soft” skills, like teamwork and collaboration, are leveraged into tangible, technical skills.

The Notice and Nominate™ scheme is a recognition system directly linked to their CoreVals™. Whether conducted weekly or monthly, team members are encouraged to nominate their peers when they observe them embodying a CoreVal. This approach not only highlights the importance of these values but also demonstrates how deeply ingrained they are in the team's daily operations. By expressing gratitude for actions that align with the group's defining values, rooted in the company's well-known history, the team creates context. This practice also taps into emotions, fostering a sense of connection and enjoyment.

You've likely heard of "Positive Reinforcement" in psychology… how rewarding desirable behavior increases its likelihood of recurrence. Consider these key points:

  • Positive reinforcement has been found to be more effective than negative reinforcement (punishing undesired behavior) in long-term behavior change.
  • Immediate and specific rewards are more effective than distant or vague ones.
  • Positive reinforcement can enhance job satisfaction and productivity.

Additionally, we applaud the Lotus Green Team for systematizing the Notice and Nominate™ scheme. We believe this is what has made their CoreVals so memorable and effective. They have seamlessly integrated the scheme into their daily operations, with a dedicated recognition wall and slips that simplify the process of acknowledging peers' successes based on core values. This visual touchpoint reinforces the team's commitment to recognizing and celebrating behaviors that reflect their values.

Since Lotus Green has implemented Culture Fulfillment, they have noted concrete improvements in performance. 

According to their Culture Team, prior to the program, there was less focus on sharing or supporting each other to achieve common goals. The culture struggled to prioritize sharing knowledge or skills. This could have stemmed from a lack of communication among team members, and most could not recall all of the company values. 

Furthermore, there is a heightened sense of loyalty and increased engagement among employees. In the interview, they recounted an instance where an employee, whose regular hours are from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, voluntarily stayed late to complete a project. This dedication illustrates how employees are going above and beyond their expected duties, driven by a stronger connection to the company's purpose.

Lotus Green Team crafted their CorePurpose™ with a focus on the positive impact they are making on the world. Their CorePurpose is: "By 2028, we will ensure the employment, safety, comfort, and productivity of millions of Cambodian citizens with our innovative MEP systems."

Here is how their purpose impacted their performance…

After implementing the Culture Fulfillment Program from November 2023 to January 2024, over a three-month period, they witnessed significant progress in performance. 

“After Culture Fulfillment, most of the team had achieved their targets, which is the most measurable indicator of success.”
- Choun Moniroth, the Manager of Training and Development at Lotus Green Team

In just three months, the majority of their employees had already achieved their targets! This is a significant accomplishment because… if they continue to trend in this direction, they are well on their way to improving the lives of millions of Cambodians by 2028.

They've also embraced weekly coaching sessions to share their achievements and challenges with the team. They found that weekly coaching is more effective than monthly sessions, as it keeps the feedback loop more immediate and relevant.

This approach has been incredibly effective, serving as both a mentoring and coaching program under the Culture Fulfillment initiative.

The company’s leadership said…

“It's been a source of pride and happiness to be part of a project that encourages acknowledgment, appreciation, and recognition of individuals who embody our company's values and deliver exceptional work.”
- The Culture Team at Lotus Green Team

Their care for culture is clear. Take a look at the culture handbooks they crafted for their team:

In summary, the case study of Lotus Green Team's cultural transformation underscores the profound impact of deliberate culture development on employee engagement, performance, and overall organizational success. By implementing the Culture Fulfillment program, Lotus Green Team transitioned from an individualistic to a collaborative culture, resulting in improved morale, heightened engagement, and a stronger organizational purpose.

We look forward to continuing to witness this company, and culture, grow by leading with values!


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